Day 224

I really do need to start posting on a daily basis again, at least potentially. There’s certainly something to be said for spreading out the updates, consolidating work down into a tighter summary, but at the same time forcing daily updates goes a long way toward accountability. It’s a balance of spending time working versus spending time documenting work, so I’m still debating the correct course.

That being said I really probably should have updated before now. I spent the last week of personal work time diving into some general skill learning. Aside from one day spent reviewing a new course on Unity audio, the majority of it was spent actually improving my skills as an admin and studying microservice architecture and containerization through Docker and Kubernetes. Maybe not directly related to my growth as an artist, but certainly related to my professional growth overall, and a fascinating subject regardless.

Day 71

A post…. from the future! Or, not really. Honestly it’s just late, and it’s so because I completely forgot that I didn’t actually make it last night like I usually do, for reasons. So, let me try to put myself back to last night’s state of mind so I can more accurately reproduce what it would have been….


Nope, ok, not that. How about instead I just try to remember what happened yesterday, and try to report as if it was still last night?

(Feel free to imagine some of those wavy “flashback” lines here, possibly with some wubbly wubbly noises.)

Music 30/30 – Day 10

Let’s see, today I reviewed what I’ve learned about first species counterpoint, and tried to actually do my own as a practice piece. I think I followed most of the rules.

Overall I think it’s not terrible, but it certainly doesn’t have any “oomph” to it. As I understand it, second species and up, which is what’s coming next, is really where its at as far as making interesting music goes, so that should be nice.

Other Stuff

In other news, and this is where the ARRRRGH from earlier comes into play, I am just having a straight up heck of a time getting my freaking hardware setup to a place that’s ok. It took me four tries to get the video for today, and I didn’t even end up with any usable video, I had to go audio only again, and even that took two tries because my laptop suddenly decided to loudly alert about something that happened five minutes before.

Honestly, I’m just really not sure why this is posing so much of a problem, it seems like people manage to make and post videos all the time, but for me each and every one is some kind of ordeal, a herculean task. And any solution for a given problem just seems to introduce new problems of its own. I’m trying to look on the bright side, remind myself that the whole reason I started the vlog in the first place was to practice both being on camera and the video making process, but some days I just really wonder.