Day 152

Writing 30/30 – Day 30

Ok, yes, I realize that I have been absolutely terrible at updating the blog. Especially egregious since I’m also ignoring the vlog entirely, not only in creating new content, but in actually editing and posting the remaining content that I already have. And I’ve already pointed out that I’m aware of the irony that during the 30/30 for writing, I have had the most trouble coming here to do exactly that.

Part of it, I think, is that I’ve been too busy writing to write. By which I mean while this does technically count as writing, its not really the sort of thing that I was aiming for in this challenge. So I was never planning to count time spent writing this blog toward my challenge time, though I do admit that a couple of the days were spent updating my other blog, catching up on articles. It’s bordering on cheating, but still counts. Regardless, most of the actual writing came down to the very end of the day, and on most days once it was done it was past time to be sleeping, so blogging just wasn’t the priority.

For what it’s worth, I actually did manage to write something for at least thirty minutes every day during this challenge, or at least work on writing in the case of the first couple of weeks when I was still planning and plotting a novel, and that’s as much a part of writing as actually putting pen to paper, or fingers to keys in my case. After the realization that the novel simply wasn’t happening, I shifted my focus to shorter projects, and on trying to hit variety. The writing equivalent of doodles. I wrote a couple of short stories, an essay, a Seuss style poem. Streams of consciousness from the perspectives of different characters. It was a good experience over all, stretching the creative muscles, trying out new styles. Ultimately that’s what I wanted to get out of the challenge, like with all of the challenges.


Of course, even though it was the writing challenge, the bulk of the creative work done this last month ended up being on a completely different project. I’ve become thoroughly immersed in the creation of my first real video game. I’ve made a few games already, depending on how you want to define that, so it’s not exactly the first one ever. But for the first time I’ve managed to make something that you could consider financially viable as a game. Something that wouldn’t seem out of place in the app store. It’s still a work in progress, and I’ve still got a ways to go before its actually ready for production, but it’s coming along remarkably fast, and I think it actually has the potential to be a mild to moderate hit. I don’t expect it to be extremely popular, I likely won’t get many installs off of it, and I almost certainly won’t make any money worth talking about, but I can’t wait to be able to accurately say that I put out a real game, that real people could and actually might want to install and play.